Empowering Visionary Leaders to Create Sustainable Legacies

Visionary leaders, your time is now.

The world is calling for a new paradigm of business — one that values people, planet, and prosperity in equal measure.

But to create this change, you must first get completely out of your own way.

I guide purpose-driven entrepreneurs and executives to break free from self-imposed limitations and heal from burnout so they can thrive in their own uniquely aligned way.

Let's unlock your soul’s wisdom, amplify your impact, and co-create a future where all can flourish.

How Can I Support You?

  • One-on-One Guidance Services

    You have all the answers within you. I just help you illuminate your truth. Imagine combining therapy, ritual, coaching, and intuitive healing all in one. That’s what you get when you work with me as your 1-on-1 guide.

  • Bringing Books to Life

    Do you have a book brewing inside you? A dream of bringing your wisdom to the world and leaving behind a legacy? I help you refine your message, write your story, and get clarity on how to bring your work to the world!

  • B2B & Professional Consulting

    The health of your business starts with you! Are you an entrepreneur, leader, or agency looking to better the lives of others? Let’s get to the root of what you need for your mission in the world and build supports so you can thrive!

  • Free Masterclasses and Moon Ceremonies

    Subscribe to Safrianna on YouTube for a variety of free workshops, masterclasses, rituals, podcasts and much, much more!

  • Becoming the Butterfly Immersion Experience

    You’re ready to transform, releasing limiting beliefs and stepping into your authentic power, the Butterfly Immersion Experience is for you!

  • Join Our Community

    Living LUNA is a collective of service providers helping uplift others through community, education, counseling, coaching, consulting, content, and retreats.

Are You One of My Dream Clients?

You’re sick of pretending to be something you’re not…

While the life you’ve crafted looks good on paper, you feel burnt out, disconnected, and dissatisfied in your daily life.

You find yourself asking, “Is this all there is?”

Yet, you are terrified to take the leap of faith necessary to live the life of your dreams.

You’re scared. Maybe ashamed. What happens if you break free of the shackles of society and manifest your desires?

I see you. I hear you. I have been in your shoes.

You are here to express your truth
and live outside the box.

You are here to share your gifts and your greatness. You are here to live life by your design.

It’s time to CLAIM YOUR SHINE.

I work with visionary leaders, healers, & creatives from all walks of life.
However, I am an extraordinary fit for people who identify as part of the following communities:

Society is SO cis & heteronormative! While media is beginning to catch up with the diversity of people on this planet, leadership, educator, and systems are lagging behind. It’s reasonable to feel worried about stepping into your truth. You can embrace your identity and connect with people who understand. Wherever you fall on the rainbow spectrum, I accept you!

Have you ever had the experience of someone accusing you of cheating because you have more than one partner, or generally not understanding that you can be into “alternative” things and still be a good person?  Let’s stop that here! You are free to be you! I work with people to have healthier polyamorous relationships and navigate the challenges of stepping intro truth.

Cannabis has changed your life (for better or worse) and you are looking for a healer that gets it! If you’re already using marijuana, we can work together to deeply improve your relationship with this magical herb to promote your overall health and maintain balance. I am not a medical professional in this role, but can offer guidance that factors in your own unique relationship with this plant.

Spirituality is an intensely personal topic. In a world where many Christian counselors exist, where is help designed to meet the needs of those who don’t follow those mainstream belief systems? You deserve to work with someone as open-minded as you and your unique spiritual expression! I will honor whatever path you choose to walk, so long as it is genuinely healthy and freeing for you.

Hi, I’m Safrianna, and I’d love to be your guide, mentor, and cheerleader!

I am known as “The Queer-Spirit Guide” because I know we’re all a little bit different, and that deserves to be celebrated. We are all on a journey to find our unique, one-of-a-kind voice and expression in the world.

In my career, I have mastered many tools, systems, and teachings on the quest to bring my most soul-aligned offerings to the world. I have experience as a public school teacher, trauma & sex therapist, LGBTQIA+ advocate and educator, Reiki Master Teacher, author, speaker, entrepreneur, and CEO.

I’ve walked the path from traumatized, overwhelmed people-pleaser to Boundaries Queen and shining my SOUL light.

It took wearing dozens of hats over dozens of years to discover the most important truth of all — the most important thing for me to be is… ME!

The most important thing for you to be is… YOU.

That is my Soul mission: to support people in stepping into their fullness, and also - to be supported in the process!

I’m here to help you uncover the truth of your Self so you can be authentically you in everything you do and be in the world.

You may be an Artist, Teacher, Healer, Therapist, Author, or Visionary Small Business Owner. Or you may work a traditional 9 to 5. But, you’ve got “Good On Paper” Syndrome, and you’re tired of living a disappointing life, stuck inside your own head.

Let’s liberate you to live freely, fully, and with all the Self-love you never thought you could have. Together, we’ll unlock your gifts, embrace your authenticity, clear away the shame and limitations, and co-create a life where your spirit can play and your purpose can be celebrated.

It's time to own your magic, embrace your inner oddball, and share that beautifully unique energy with the world—because when you shine, we all glow a little brighter.

Services with Safrianna

Whether you’re brand new to self-development and spirituality, or you’re an advanced practitioner yourself, all of us can benefit from having someone to guide us when we struggle to navigate the complexities of this human existence! You’re not alone.

My signature offerings are designed to get you in touch with your highest Self so that you can gain clarity on your mission and joyful pathway through this lifetime.

  • Watercolor illustration of a figure bathed in radiant rainbow hues, arms outstretched in an embrace of renewal. transformative session guiding individuals through a five-stage ritual—Release, Relax, Remember, Reignite, Recommit—tailored to YOU.

    ReAwakening Ritual

    90-Minute Custom 1-on-1 Session

    Let’s REAWAKEN your Soul’s Light so you can shine with intention throughout all areas of your life.

    Each ReAwakening ritual is curated for YOU, and no ritual is ever the same!

    Based on your own pre-session survey, we will co-create your personal offering with your own preferences, beliefs, and practices in mind so that I can gently guide you through each of your personal ritual steps.

    For example, many clients receive energy work and sound healing, meditation/visualization, and connect with guides or ancestors.

    Release, Relax, Remember, Reignite, & Recommit to your Highest Self!

    (Limited to 1 per client: Also included in SOUL SUGAR Package.)

  • The Butterfly Immersion: a self-paced course with upgrades available to have 1-on-1 sessions

    The Butterfly Immersion

    Move Beyond Feeling Stuck & Fly Free!

    You're ready to move past feeling limited by the same old spirals into shame, fear, or disappointment.

    In the Butterfly Immersion Program, "Becoming the Butterfly," you'll uncover a framework for self-liberation you can use again and again.

    Want to move beyond overworking? Feeling creatively blocked? Whatever the "shadow" you're working through, this program provides 4 steps you can apply to transform your relationship with outdated and limiting patterns.

    Using Butterfly symbolism, you will:

    1) Explore your inner world and uncover hidden potential

    2) Transform challenges into opportunities for growth

    3) Step into your power and embrace your authenticity

    4) Celebrate your growth and set intentions for continued expansion

  • SOUL SUGAR: A radiant and transformative coaching program for visionary leaders, creatives, and healers, showcasing vibrant celestial imagery and symbols of sweet self-mastery with Safrianna Lughna, The Queer-Spirit Guide.

    SOUL SUGAR: 1-on-1

    It's Time to Step into Soul-Level Success

    No more being stuck in self-sabotage. No more burn out. You're here to live the SWEET LIFE of your design!

    If you're an entrepreneur, visionary leader, creative, or healer who feels stuck, sick, unsupported, and maybe even a little self-loathing, it's time for change.

    You are ready to be seen, heard and undeniably powerful while creating a life based on your own preferences, boundaries, and dreams.

    It's time to move beyond societal standards and limitations so that you can make iconic impact in the world while being fully yourself. You're here to SHINE!

    Following my signature "S.E.A.S.O.N.S." framework, I will support you to master your own soul-level blueprint so that you can live a life by your design and stop sacrificing yourself in the name of your dreams.

Literary Shadow Alchemist & International Best-Selling Author

In second grade, my dream of becoming an author ignited when I published my first spiral-bound, school-printed picture book.

Since then, I’ve been an English teacher, ghostwriter, and video game lore developer. Now, I’m an international best-selling author several times over, a proud novelist, poet, and writing guide for other creatives.


Safrianna’s Queer-Lit Novel,
Bumble Bees & White Balloons,
is available now on Amazon.